What are the fastest businesses that you can start right now?

What are the fastest ways to work for yourself and make money online with relatively low risk?

Here are some ideas I have that I have for you to consider.

Drop shipping: This business model involves selling products without holding any inventory. You simply create an online store, source products from a supplier, and when a customer buys, the supplier ships it directly to them. The downside is you need startup capital to purchase the products and will likely have to learn new skills to do it successfully

Online surveys: Many survey companies pay cash or offer rewards for completing surveys, although the pay rate can vary. It’s easy and fast, but it’s unlikely you'll be able to quit your job based on the income

Selling goods online: Selling items online through websites such as eBay or Amazon can be a fast way to earn extra money. You could sell items you no longer need or want or purchase low-cost items in bulk and resell them for a profit. The downside is you need startup capital to buy the products and will likely have to learn new skills to do it successfully

Renting out a spare room: If you have a spare room in your home, renting it out through platforms such as Airbnb can be an excellent way to earn extra income. Short-term or long-term basis works, but the downside is you need to be an existing property owner to do this. Thus, the startup costs are very high; it’s also only partially online in its delivery.

E-commerce store: Creating an online store is a quick and easy way to start an online business. Platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce make it easy to set up an online store and start selling products. You can source products from wholesalers or manufacturers and sell them online. The downside is you need startup capital to buy the products and will likely have to learn new skills to do it successfully

Retail trading: Retail trading is the buying and selling of financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, or currencies, by individual investors. It is done through online trading platforms or brokerages, allowing individuals to invest and trade in the financial markets. Retail traders typically operate with smaller amounts of capital than institutional investors and often rely on technical analysis, market trends, and news events to inform investment decisions. The downside is it can take years to learn and profit from successfully; I know because I do it myself. Most quit before they ever make real money at trading because you have to be a particular type of person to work years at something before you see any results.

Social media/marketing: If you have experience with social media platforms or marketing, you can offer social media management services to businesses and individuals, including creating and scheduling posts, managing ads, and monitoring engagement. You could start this immediately.

Online tutoring: With the rise of remote learning, there is a high demand for online tutoring services. You can offer expertise in a specific subject or skill and provide one-on-one or group tutoring sessions online. If it's already part of your skill set, you could start immediately or take a TEFL course and use it to teach people English online.

Content creation: If you have a talent for writing, graphic design, or video production/editing, you can start a business offering content creation services to businesses and individuals, including writing blog posts, creating social media graphics, or producing promotional videos. Suppose it's already part of your skill set; it's easy to start.

Personal shopping/styling: If you have a passion for fashion and an eye for style, you can start a business offering unique shopping and styling services to individuals, including helping clients curate a wardrobe, assisting with outfit selection for special events, and providing fashion advice. You could start immediately if it's already part of your skill set.

Sell your skills online: If you have skills in writing, graphic design, programming, sales, or another area, you can offer your services as a freelancer. It provides flexibility regarding work hours and location and can be an excellent way to earn money quickly with relatively low risk. You could start immediately if it's already part of your skill set.

Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing involves promoting other people's products or services and earning a commission on sales. You can promote products on your website, social media, or through email marketing. Affiliate marketing is a fast way to earn income online without creating products. It requires learning new skills or devoting time to learning about the products/services you are marketing.

Online coaching/consulting: If you have expertise in a particular field, you can offer coaching or consulting services online. You can create an online course, provide one-on-one coaching sessions, or create a membership site. You could start immediately if it's already part of your skill set.Out of the above, we are filtering for the following criteria. 

  • Can start now / within a few weeks
  • It doesn't require learning new skills 
  • No startup costs 
  • Uses your existing skill set
  • Can earn enough to replace your current income

Why? Because to get back your time and independence and to start building your freedom and wealth, we need you free from the day job ASAP. 

The above are not the most incredible business models on earth, but we are primarily looking for speed and low cost, which will take you only a short time to build that you could replace your income with now.

Once filtering for the above, we get the below chart, which is also available for you to download using this link:

The green areas show the ideal choices, which are 

  • Social media management/marketing management
  • Online tutoring
  • Content creation
  • Personal shopping/styling
  • Skill selling
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Online coaching/consulting

NB: This is a partial list, and there are no doubt more areas that will fit the criteria we seek. 

But what do they all have in common? 

They are all forms of freelancing. 

So, what is so great about freelancing, I hear you say. 

Allow me to tell you.

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