What the money system is, and how is it just a game?

The money system, by definition, refers to the complex network of institutions, policies, and practices that facilitate the exchange of goods and services through money. 

When you look closer, you will see it is much more, and I would like to share with you the secret that few understand.


It is a game played by elites using a web of smoke and mirrors obscuring money's true nature and how it works. 

On the surface, money is a simple medium of exchange. 

In reality, the value of money is a vast array of factors that are often opaque and difficult to understand. 


Because we’re not supposed to understand it,
through the average person’s lack of understanding, the masses work to support the very system that shackles them. 

Have you ever heard of fractional reserve banking? 


Well, buckle up because you’re in for a wild ride. 

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