Why Freelancing is the best

Aside from becoming your boss, freelancing is the best choice for starting a business because of how quickly you can create it using your existing skills and the flexibility it gives you in all areas. 

I don't just mean business flexibility but also personal lifestyle, finances, variety in job choice, and all the learning opportunities. 

You have the freedom to decide everything, including the following.

  • When you work - as your own boss, you decide your hours.
  • How much you work - you can adjust your number of hours when you need to
  • Where you work - location-wise, you can do what you want so long as you have WIFI and are contactable at certain times for your client.
  • Who you work with - if you are smart, you can get to a point where you pick your clients.
  • What you work on - once your service is renowned, you will be able to pick and choose the projects that you like
  • How much you get paid - you increase your rates when you want; no need to ask a boss for a pay rise; you are the boss. 
  • When you take time off - the conversation in the mirror is easy.

Freelancing gives you all the flexibility in the world, allowing you to scale up or down your workload to suit your needs.

If you have family events, holidays or other commitments, you can adjust the number of days you work per week at any time and the location from which you are working. 

Of course, you need to be good at planning and managing client expectations for this, but the world is your oyster. 

If, for example, you are living in a Western country with a high living cost, you can leave and set up somewhere else with a more attractive value of living.

The power of the internet and being able to work from anywhere has given you access to the entire world. 

Gone are the days of saving and spending all your savings on travel. 

You can travel on the move and see the world at your leisure alongside building your business. 

Don’t get me wrong, it's hard work and requires A LOT of planning, but if you get it right, it's magic. 

You can gain a wealth of experience in business and travelling the world and experiencing other cultures if that is your choice.  

Or, you may spend way more time with the people that matter most to you.

I use the flexibility to earn more money than I would in a full-time role of a similar nature, build other businesses and travel the world. 

It's a dream that I want you to experience.  


Starting any business requires careful planning and research. 

Assessing the market demand, competition, and potential profitability is crucial.

It also involves risk, and it's essential to carefully consider all potential risks and rewards before making any decisions.

But, you have me. 

I have seen or made many of the mistakes myself for you, so you don't have to make them, and I will share everything I’ve learned. 

Additionally, we will do a deep dive into risk management for starting your business so that you can start with the confidence that it is a low-risk endeavour for you.

However, we must make sure of one thing before we continue: whether or not freelancing is right for you. 

Here’s a substack article where I discuss the benefits of freelancing


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