Why is speed critical?

Speed is critical for the same reason that valuing your time is essential. 

The future is never guaranteed, and the right time may never come. 

Becoming a business owner today means you start learning immediately and have more time to figure out what works. 

It also means that from day 1, you start working for yourself. 

Your time becomes your own. 

Having this alone changes your mindset, lifestyle, and how you think. 

Remember the example from the last module and the time wasted working for someone else, between commuting, team meetings and being around unmotivated people with low discipline. 

Have you ever heard the following saying? 

‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with’ - Jim Rohn

Well, think about how much time you spend in an office with your colleagues.

In truth, you spend more time with your colleagues than most of your friends or family. 

7/8 hours a day, five days a week at work, vs. 4/5 hrs. a day (either side of work) with your family and friends with two days extra at the weekend. 

Are your current colleagues hardworking, success magnets who have their lives figured out? 


So, therefore you must get back control of your own time as quickly as possible. 

You can start many side hustles, but most will take years to come to fruition; trust me, you can't afford to wait years. 

It's time you could be learning about operating a successful business for real. 

Take it from someone who took the side hustle route themselves. 


I started learning to trade currencies in the first year of my first full-time job after university. It took me six years of doing that as a side hustle and working in events before I started earning real money. That is a lot of time. 

Why did it take so long to succeed or start my own business? There are many reasons, but I’ll give you a few. 

  1. Learning to trade successfully is fucking hard and takes years anyway
  2. When surrounded by people who don’t have your level of ambition, it rubs off on you. 
  3. Having the day job meant I was comfortable; it lessened my edge and burning fire to work for myself. 
  4. I didn't believe it was possible to work for myself in such a way until I saw a close colleague do it first (thank you, Irene!) 

Moreover, once I got my time back, I started hanging around more people on the same path as me, other business owners with equal motivations and ambition, which helped catapult my success. 

Many of my closest friends now have their own businesses, and by spending time with each other (because we choose to), our knowledge and success grow from sharing ideas and inputs on what we are doing. 

My old 9-5, gave me the easiest option to start my business, which was undoubtedly good. However, I could have started my freelancing business two years earlier. I didn't because I still relied on my side hustle (trading) to get out. I also didn’t have examples of people who had freelanced the way I do now, so I’ve made this course to give you the tools to do it sooner than I did. Ironically, it was the thing that I thought would set me free (trading) that kept me working for someone else longer, and the thing that I was doing for someone else is what eventually set me free. 

Life is funny sometimes, isn't it? 

What I'm getting at here is this.

The sooner you start working in your own business using your existing skills, the sooner you can become financially independent and set your destiny daily. 

You will have greater flexibility and options for travel/living abroad and having your time on your own terms because you will have the control to spend it how you want. 

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